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Author: godreo
Big Cook County property tax hikes coming for many in south suburbs
A new analysis from the Cook County Treasurer’s Office found median tax bills countywide are rising by 19.9% compared to last year, the largest jump in the last 29 years.
Big Cook County property tax hikes coming for many in south suburbs
A new analysis from the Cook County Treasurer’s Office found median tax bills countywide are rising by 19.9% compared to last year, the largest jump in the last 29 years.
Big Cook County property tax hikes coming for many in south suburbs
A new analysis from the Cook County Treasurer’s Office found median tax bills countywide are rising by 19.9% compared to last year, the largest jump in the last 29 years.
Homeowners in Cook County’s south suburbs hardest hit by latest round of property tax hikes
With property tax bills set to hit mailboxes next week, the median bill jumped a record high 19.9% across the southern portion of the county, including bills that more than doubled in Dixmoor and Phoenix.
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South, Southwest Suburban Cook County Homeowners See Largest Property
“Many homeowners are going to be shocked and angry when they get their bills,” Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas said.
South, Southwest Suburban Cook County Homeowners See Largest Property
“Many homeowners are going to be shocked and angry when they get their bills,” Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas said.
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