California posted another anemic month of job growth in April, and the state’s unemployment rate remained the highest in the land, at 5.3%.
Author: godreo
North Augusta business owner to host women’s Bible study: ‘There’s a bit of Jonah in everybody’
North Augusta businesswoman Ashley Murphy is hosting a four week women’s open Bible study in June. You can RSVP at the ABĒCA Naturals’ Facebook page online.
Analysis | Who has the lowest (and highest) mortgage rates, and more!
This week’s data potpourri explores mortgage rates, online shopping and the inexplicable decline in eel consumption among American diners.
San Bernardino County to host online tax sale auction for thousands of unpaid parcels
The San Bernardino County Auditor-Controller/Treasurer/Tax Collector will host an online tax sale auction for thousands of unpaid parcels.
How Mass. May Preserve Home Equity Theft in Worcester
A comprehensive review of home equity theft, how investors try to steal homes, and how the state house is falling short on putting an end to it.
Commentary: A community land trust could spur housing development for disinvested Far South Chicago neighborhood
Along with the Red Line extension, this would be an economic shot in the arm, writes a community leader.
Bible Study: God’s sovereignty helps us forgive one another
Acknowledging God’s sovereignty helps us seek reconciliation with others, forgiving them and allowing God to restore and renew our relationships.
Let’s Talk Reunion: The Blessings of Bible Study with Friends
Jackie Hill Perry, Jasmine Holmes, and Melissa Kruger highlight the blessings and benefits of digging into the Bible with other believers.
On Juneteenth, National Digital Equity Bible Study
This event will occur at the Greater Grace: Temple of David in Detroit, Michigan, and streamed online via Zoom.
Article recalls thousands of chairs, an uptick in U.S. home foreclosures and more
This week in design, the debate surrounding the demolition of historic homes continues, with the new owners of Marilyn Monroe’s final home suing the city of…